Our Story
It started with a dream…
Bethany was birthed from a dream Pastor Jordan had in 2000. God spoke to him about leading a powerful church Billings, MT. Feeling the burden of this call on his life, Pastor Jordan began to pursue the ministry.
Humble beginnings.
In September of 2005, after much prayer, discussion, planning, and work, Bethany was launched. Our first service was held in the front room of his grandmother’s house. With a young staff and a zealous pursuit of God’s word for Billings, we began the journey of planting the church.
The community supported our growth!
Within the first year we outgrew the house, with people in every nook, cranny and stairwell. It was at that moment that God opened the door for us to rent the chapel of the nearby Christian school. It was here that God developed our team as we learned to trust Him through many financial decisions, ministry seasons and accommodation changes. Over those years not only did our size grow, but we grew as a family of believers.
We can’t do it without you.
In 2015 the services were overflowing the cafeteria into the adjacent kitchen, and the hallway. Once again God came through at the right time and blessed us with our current building. We are now in a season where Bethany is being elevated to accomplish what God has called us to. We are excited for the plans that God has for Bethany and Billings, will you join us?
What to Expect
Our Sunday Morning Worship Service is @ 10am.
Oneway Kids Service:
Nursery - crawlers to 2 yrs old
Preschoolers - preschool to 1st grade
Elementary - 2nd thru 4th grade
Our worship is energetic and passionate, we teach from the Bible in a powerful but practical way, and we love others compassionately. From our fun-filled children’s classes to the relevant and inspiring teaching, there is something for everyone! The most important thing is you will experience the Presence of God. But instead of us just telling you about it, come check it out for yourself!
Next Steps
Our next steps program is for those who are new to Bethany and want to connect to our body in a greater way. Next Steps is a series of three classes designed to let you know who we are, help you find out who you are, and how you can make a difference in Bethany..
We have Next Steps classes periodically throughout the year and you can find out when by visiting the church events page.
Building Families Through Relational Discipleship
Wednesday nights at 6:30; we will be hosting Journey YoutH and Prayer Ministry.
Journey is for Jr. High and High School aged students (5th thru 12th) along with their parents. This is a family centric approach to meet the needs of students through discipleship and relational building. After a time of worship and ministering in the Sanctuary, there will be break out groups.
- Parents will be in one group, to ask questions, facilitate discussion and encourage one another.
- Jr. High and High School aged students will break out into their age brackets to ask questions, facilitate discussion and encourage one another.
- If you are a parent of Jr. High or High School student, or if interested in investing into the lives of our youth and encouraging other parents, you are more than welcome to attend.
Prayer Ministry
Prayer and intercession will meet in the Fellowship Hall and continue as we have done for many years.
Our vision
We are people of His presence
Bethany is not just a building and services, it is the people that make up the body. We are about the presence of God which means that we are not just talking about a worship service, we are talking about people living daily as a temple for His presence. When the tribes of Israel camped, the tabernacle was at the center, their lives were centered around the glory of the Lord. When they would move, they would not move without His presence leading them.
Our desire is to see every person living with the presence of God at the center of their life. Where every day our focus, our gaze, is set on His presence. Where we move as God leads us with His presence, just like the Israelites did when the cloud and fire would lead them. It is through this lifestyle of living in His presence that we become distinct to the world around us.
When we gather together the Holy Spirit is honored and the glory of God is shown in His church. When we enter His presence, the atmosphere becomes a place where the power of God is available to bring life, healing, freedom, joy, and victory in our lives.
We are about discipleship
“We are a family of believers growing in God and reaching our world”
Becoming a disciple of Christ is more than a class that you complete or program you go through, it is a life style. Discipleship is about doing life together. It is why we talk about being a family, it is living our lives together and growing in who God has called us to be.
We have a three-pronged approach to living a life of discipleship:
Each One
“…you were ransomed from the futile ways inherited from your forefathers, not with perishable things such as silver or gold, but with the precious blood of Christ…”
God values each person, and so do we. He loves each one of us so much that He sent Jesus, His only son, to restore our relationship with Him. Jesus didn’t do this with things like silver or gold, but He bought us with His own blood. This is the foundation of our walk in Christ, knowing the price paid for us and the value given to us because of His sacrifice. Each person needs to understand and live out of their identity in Christ, and all that he provided us. The fullness of Christ is now our identity, and we desire to walk that out in our lives. The heart of Each One is knowing that we are now sons through the spirit of adoption, understanding who are in Christ, and living it as reality. (John 3:16, 1 Pet. 1:18-19)
Teach One
“Him we proclaim, warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom, that we may present everyone mature in Christ.”
The Word of God is primary in our growth as a disciple. It is not a book of rules and regulations, but a living and active part of our lives. We seek not to just tell people what the Bible says, but to teach them to hear God for themselves. The Holy Spirit wrote the words we read in the Bible, and He will lead us into all truth. We want a culture of holiness, and it is this truth revealed by the Spirit that brings about holiness in our lives.
Each person has gifts that God has given them. It is through the five-fold ministry that we want to equip the body to become all that God has called them to be. It is here where we can discover and grow in our gifts that God has given us. (Col 1:28)
Reach One
“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations…”
As we grow in discipleship we begin to turn our focus on to Jesus’ command to make disciples. We turn our perspective to the harvest and take our responsibility to labor in the harvest. It is about taking the power of God, signs, wonders, and miracles into the city of Billings and seeing lives changed. It is about each disciple shining the light of God in their everyday life, showing the world the holiness and character of God.
We also have a heart to spread the kingdom beyond just our city. Jesus said to take the gospel to ends of the earth. That is why we take our finances, the seed that God has given us, and sow it to reach the lost. We support various organizations throughout the world that reach the lost. However, just sending money is not sufficient enough, we invest our lives in preaching the gospel through mission’s trips. We offer the opportunities to partner with ministries to preach the gospel in other countries. (Acts 1:8, Mat 28:19)
Frequently Asked Questions
What denomination is your church?
A: We are a non-denominational church that is affiliated with Midwest Ministers Fellowship.
What can I expect when attending Bethany Church?
A: We worship that is passion and energy, Biblical teaching that is powerful and still practical, and we love compassionately.
What child care and Sunday school classes do you offer for my children?
A: During our worship services, our trained child care workers are ready to welcome your children. Based on age or year in school, your children will be placed in the nursery or assigned to an appropriate Sunday School class. Details on the classes can be found here.
Where do I register and check-in my children?
A: After you enter the building, follow the signs to our Children’s Welcome Desk. The registration and check-in process is important for the safety of your children and to help us keep everyone organized. You will be greeted by one of our hosts who will help you complete a short registration form, print nametags for your children and help you find their classroom.