Family Part 1
Having children has changed me. It has changed my perspectives on life, my values, even my actions. Gone are the days when I was able to do as I pleased, gone are the days when my wife and I were free to live without constraints.
While I am tempted to look back in time and miss what I perceived as freedom, I have found something which is more fulfilling: the investment in my children. There is nothing like the joyous noise my children make when I come home. Few things are as satisfying as the emotional connection that takes place within a family.
At Bethany Church, we are committed to God’s original intent with mankind. God, the Father, wanted a family. On Sunday, September 10th we are hosting a family day. After church, there will be inflatable bouncy houses and face painting for the kids, and we’ll provide a meal for everyone. Please make plans to join us at church, bring your family, invite a friend and stick around for the fellowship.