3 P's for Pressure
Last we week we talked about how God works in the long game and that while we might be looking at life in the immediate he is working out a greater plan, like playing chess. Sometimes his greater plan may be uncomfortable or down right painful. But what He has prepared for us in the end is far greater than anything we could have ever imagined.
The question is how do we go through those tough times? What do we do in the middle of a pressure filled situation? I have heard it said this way, when you squeeze a lemon you get what is inside of it. If you are like me there are times where the pressure is on and some not so pleasant things come out. Well James addresses what to do in these moments in the opening of his book that he wrote.
"My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing." James 1:2-4
Some preachers are really good at crafting the points of their sermon to fit together. Some make their points rhyme, some have all their points start with the same letter, some can build the points out of an acronym. I am not very good at that, I like to take what the scripture gives me and go with that without too much thought into making things rhyme. Don't get me wrong, I wish I was talented enough to do that, but my creative juices work in other ways. However, as I was in my time of Bible study these points kind of fell into my lap, and if something creative hits you I have found that you roll with it.
So here are 3 P's that come from this verse that will help us walk through the pressure of life:
Perspective - James says to count it joy. That word count is speaking about a perspective change. Often times when we are going through a tough situation we are reacting to what is going on, our emotions may be in the driver's seat.
Counting it all joy is about taking an intelligent assessment of the situation of from God's perspective not reacting out of our emotions. This does not mean we enjoy the situation, or that we deny the pain of the pressure, but that we find out His perspective of what is going on.
Perseverance - when we change our perspective of the situation we are then able to face the situation with a positive steadfastness that endures. This is called patience, patience is not passive, it actively pursues spiritual growth in the midst of the trial.
What perseverance does is develops a genuineness of our faith, it proves and it purifies us. We mature become more complete as we persevere through what was meant to take us out.
Profit - This is where we turn the lemons into lemonade! As we mature and grow our character deepens, as our character deepens the trials do not affect us like they used to. We begin to treat people differently no matter how they treat us. We begin to produce fruit that lasts in eternity.
This process, as uncomfortable and trying as it may be, is what produces a profit for the kingdom of God. Where we become a people that displays who he is to the world.
When our perspective changes, our perseverance will produce profit!