Hope for 2021
This time of year I love to take a step back and look at the past year and seek the Lord about what he wants to do for the upcoming year. This last year is one that many people want to just wipe out of the history books, and they can't wait to get on with 2021. As I sat back and began to think about what God had done in this last year, I couldn't help but be grateful. There are many things that happened as a church that we can look back on and see God's goodness, the sale of the property, paying off our building in the middle of a pandemic, and the Lord moving in our Revival Nights. There are much more but those are just the highlights, there have been challenges but He has been good and faithful in the midst!
So what about next year? As I was praying about the upcoming year I was led to a very familiar passage that I pray consistently, Eph 1:17-18. As I am reflecting on this passage I want to talk about a couple keys for you as you seek the Lord for the upcoming year and what He wants to do in your life. He has plans for each one of us to accomplish, He wants to work through you this year in a greater way. So let's take the time to seek His face for what He would like us to do.
Ephesians 1:17-18 says:
"that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give to you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him, 18 the eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that you may know what is the hope of His calling…"
There are three things out of this scripture that will help you as we enter the new year:
Know the call - He has a specific and clear assignment for you. Pray that you and the corporate body would clearly see what He has purposed for us to do in 2021. When the eyes of our understanding are enlightened we can see clearly the direction He has for us. When your vision is clear, your hope is ignited. When you walk in clear vision and hope, you can walk through anything with laser focus. What you are called to do is walk above the circumstances around you, completely relying on Him. I like what Paul said about Epaphras, he prayed all the time for the church to stand perfect and complete in the will of God. Complete means to stand fully assured, when you are fully assured of what God has spoken to you resistance will not stop you.
Receive Revelation - seek revelation from the word of God for your life. I have had countless times where I have had God speak to me about something, a call for my life, and He has confirmed it in His word. When my wife and I had a dream to adopt our youngest son Samuel, we continued to pray about it as it was a big financial commitment for us. God confirmed it to me one day as I was reading my Bible with the story of Moses being adopted by the princess of Egypt. When we get revelation this is not a mystical thing it is a clear perception and then an applicable understanding of the word of God and how we are supposed to walk it out in our life.
Apply Wisdom - We all need wisdom in our lives. I pray for wisdom all the time, because Lord knows I need it! This is not just what conventional wisdom may say but wisdom given by the Spirit. This is the strategy, plans, and insight to accomplish what He has called you to do. The Holy Spirit is called the spirit of wisdom and understanding, and as we move into the new year we want to be led by the Spirit in practical and workable principles to execute what He has purposed for us.
Let's seek the Lord as we go into 2021 and be obedient to His voice!