His Delight
I like to watch sports, and it is really fun to watch a football or basketball team that is really talented. I think it is great when the stars of the team are at the top of their game and they are just dominant over their competition. There have been many times though that I have seen an athlete who is extremely talented and gifted with the physical attributes to make them successful in the sport, and they never quite become what they could. They rely solely on the talent that they have and never take it to the next level and it can be very frustrating watching these situations. I remember one team was the 2011 Philadelphia Eagles, they called themselves the dream team and they thought they were going to dominate because of the talent on the team. They ended up having a disastrous season with an 8-8 record and missed the playoffs. Psalms sheds some interesting light on how God values talent let's take a look:
His pleasure is not in the strength of the horse, nor his delight in the legs of the warrior; the LORD delights in those who fear him, who put their hope in his unfailing love. Psalms 147:10-11
This scripture states that God is not after the most talented; people who are strong, can speak eloquently, who are successful. Yes God does gift us with tools and talents that we are to use for his glory. However, these are not the things that define us, it is not how God identifies us. I am reminded of what God said to Samuel as he was looking to anoint the next king of Israel, "Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The LORD does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart." God is looking for those whose heart is positioned towards him. God places the utmost importance on what is happening in our heart.
This scripture says that God delights in those who fear him. I heard an example of the fear of the Lord years ago and it really struck me. Think of the fear of God like standing on a mountain top, in one direction you see the vast beauty of a mountain range stretching as far as you eye can see. Then you look on the other side and you see a sheer cliff dropping into the crashing waves below. As you look at this side of the mountain you realize that one wrong step and you will fall to the crashing waves below. This is an amazing picture that describes both the beauty and the awe that the fear of God entails. However, I am a simple man, and as I was meditating on this scripture I came to the conclusion that the fear of God can be summed up by one action. Humility. If we take on the posture of humility before the Lord it positions us in a place that he delights. It is a place of complete dependency on God and yet it is a place where his power can be expressed through us. It is in that place that his favor is poured out, that his grace empowers, that his peace surrounds. When we humble ourselves before him we position ourselves to receive all that he has for us. It is a humble and contrite heart before God that is pleasing to him.